so on wed we went to the marina barrage for this leaning journey kind of thing. seriously, i have found out that my classmates' hormones are not just "active", "raging" would be a more appropriate term. we go on this bumboat ride n we passed the merlion. at the time, got like this jap students there lor.(that means GIRLS...GASP!) so everybody decided to flirt and we, like the spastic ppl we truly r, started shouting waving like mad, rabid monkeys.(thats if there are rabid monkeys)guesse wad? they waved BACK! another spastic moment came, like everytime we see someone, we shout and call out to them. they look at us like we're from IMH or somethin. den we go marina barrage but it was like super boring. we finished the gallery in 5 mins! world record! then we had the so called "Amazing Race" which was definitely NOT amazing. we jus had to form this phrase and voila! crazy lor. then i got this bluetooth hack then i hack my bro's phone and turn it off! haha, wad a loser. and then our tour guide call us "kids","youngsters" so u can imagine how p***ed off i was.nvm
___the jap kids(bottom pic) me
then tday durin art class my crazy art cher say" the circle you all must draw COCK-wise" then the whole class laugh n clap like we watching someone got shit on his head(which is pretty sadistic) so everybody keep sayin" no cock! you got cock?" c-r-a-z-y ppl. =.= and then tday fri 13th. so were YOU unlucky?
i had this quiz, check it out:
Rules:It's harder than it looks!Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up!If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name : Jonathan =)
2. A four Letter Word : john(as in reffering to the toilet)
3. A boy's Name : John(haha, crazy ans)
4. A girl's Name :Jeannette
5. An occupation : JEWEL THIEF! Muahahahaha
6. A color : Jade Green
7. Something you'll wear : jumpsuit
8. A food : jelly
9. Something found in the bathroom : you tell me...............
10. A place : Jurong!!!!!!!!!!
12. A reason for being late : Jump off bed, hit head, had to get stitch!
13. Something you'd shout : jump ur sorry ass outta here!
14. A movie title : jumanji
15. Something you drink : JUICE!
16. A musical group : no idea.....=.=
17. An animal : jellyfish
18. A street name : jalan KAYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20. The title of a song : Jenny(Click Five)
i no integrity, alot i google wan...O_o
ppl tagged to do this quiz:
Jon Mok
Jia Xuan
Wang Ting Fang
De Quan
that's all for tday.thats my spastic life, stay spastic!