Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Well it's kinda late now, but I guess I'm used to sleeping much later. Sigh I have no idea how I'm going to sleep early again when school starts. Which is actually sort of the reason I'm posting today. I'm actually afraid of going to school. Ok afraid isn't really the word. I think "anxious" is better. New environment, new culture, new people. I don't make good friends easily, but when I do, they're family (See what I did there. Ok nvm that was retarded). But I guess that's the truth. And now everyone pangseh to go Hwa Chong or Raffles. Sigh, again. Maybe I should really just think for myself sometimes. You don't set out to get people to know you, but sometimes it's hard to swallow when people don't want to because of something you yourself can't control. But that's life innit. You take what you get and try to make the best out of a shitty circumstance.   Just saying, I'm not raging now. Nor frustrated to be honest. It's not even sad. It's just... suck it up. Bopian.

People suck. I mean now, literally, there is no hope for humans. That accident today, is already sad enough. I find myself wondering how anyone in the right fucking mind would actually take a picture of that. It’s sick. Sick to the core. And people continue spreading. You fucking mad? You lifeless shit, still can joke about it. That keyboard warrior on Twitter, not so big now eh. If you really did respect those kids and want them to RIP, don’t fucking spread the pictures like an insensitive mofo. It’s not even funny in the least bit, and I’m being completely serious and sincere here.

On another note.

I still find it kind of funny how the 2 groups are so similar in working yet different in appearance. That one person that will succeed while others watch on. I'm very sure this is the case, just that how obvious it is, is a different matter altogether. And how amusing it is also because the success stems from something they were born with, something you can't control. But I guess you learn after a while to entertain yourself with this situation and eventually, well... :)

When the time came, maybe I should've grown some steel. And you know what sucks. It sucks that if it was just different I could at least say something. But now I can’t. I can’t because if anyone knew I’d be in a worse position than complete bullshit. It would change almost everything of worth to me.

“I know that it's your soul but could you bottle it up? And get down to the heart of it”

Good Night