I'm really bored so i decided to write a thotful post for once =))
This (The title) is common is so many places i've been to. I think many of u guyz have sort of "felt" that silent awe when a certain person comes into the room. Hha... usually this means the guy is "on top" of the unspoken hierarchy, or in other words the food chain of popularity. People will go to any lengths just to be in contact wif these so called "better" ones... eg. the rich etc. etc. Sometimes i get overwhelmed by this sensation, then scold myself for believing that these "better" ones are really "better". Everyone is equal. But then again, it seems to be programmed into us that the opposite is true. I wonder if i can do away wif this =)
Then agn, we all need the attention, as human beings. So mebbe its just a human reaction to feel wanted. Unfortunately, some ppl use their standing on the food chain to get what they want unfairly. The ones near the bottom usually suffer bcos of this....leading to bullying and racism and other screwed stuff. Nobody gave the bullies their "right". It is this unsaid fear of him that everyone feels. They unconsciously give their support, the power in numbers, to the bully by idling there. I admit, I myself am unsure what i would do in a situation like that. But for better or for worse, this silent, invisible system shd be done away with.
So that's my spastic life. Stay spastic!
Jon Chew