Monday, August 18, 2014


I think the reason why people go off the edge is because their beliefs tend to get shattered as you grow up. When everything you thought was set and dry turns out to not be so simple, it tends to make you really unsure about a lot of things. I think Robin William's suicide really hit that point home. Normally I'm not the kind to get super emotional about a celebrity's passing away, but this time it was different. He's been the guy whose movies made you laugh. Who made your childhood a little more wise. Who made yourself a little more caring. And to think he suffered so much inside is just something no one can really comprehend. And that's what they don't tell you. You grow up believing the happy person is always happy. You believe war ends with people shaking hands and saying sorry. You believe that friends are for life. You believe love is as simple as just liking someone.

You believed.

    And I guess when these things don't turn out to be as true as you thought they were, it tends to alter your perspective of other things. I don't want to be an old fogey (the irony in that phrase), but I really do think Larkin portrays us as humans and our condition so well. The innate longing we feel, routine, hatred, religion, seriousness. That's what separates us from mindless machines though. It's the suffering that makes us feel alive. Maybe as someone grows older you tend to see the flaws in everyone and everything else, and most of all yourself. And then you kinda learn to live with it. The thing is, will you change the "Dear Warlock Williams, I'm afraid-" to "Dear Warlock Williams, why of course-" 

    I think I'd like to end off by saying that, sometimes I do wish that I'd say "of course" too. And that I hope that everyone still has each other :)

    Good Night 

Just an old song :)
It's been a long long time since everything's been cool