Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Starting to like house music a lot lately, especially Tobu's music. Gives a really happy, carefree vibe :) Plus it's catchy (if you can call it that)

Haven't posted since 3 weeks ago since prelims started. To be honest, I have no idea how it went. It felt as if like I prepared, but was not prepared at the same time. At least not the preparation level of the prelims right before Os. Don't know if it's just an A levels thing or I'm not doing enough. Screwed up Physics damn badly, except maybe Paper 1 (Save me please). I think the 3 paper format really threw off my time management. Other subject's were okay for the most part.
Been binge watching anime since prelims ended. Feels almost as if it's post As already but sadly it's not. Took the last few days off, today being the last. The struggle begins again starting tomorrow. Finished like 3 anime seasons over 4/5 days lol. The best one I think has been Sword Art Online. Got into it because I saw some "Best Girl" contest on the anime subreddit and Asuna was in the finals haha. Can safely say it's one of my favourite series. It reminds me a lot of Avatar. That, and the romance is really really sweet *sighhhhh*. And it's not just action, but also explores other themes which make it more diversified and interesting :P Asuna and Kirito are legit OTP, they seem like a married couple already. Add Yui in and it seems even more so. It's one of those shows that made me think too.

I don't know if it's good or bad though. I used to not give a shit about a lot of things. Too many things. And now I feel like I actually want to do something with my life. I guess there's an irony in sitting at home by yourself the whole day finding out what other people did. I think it'd be nice, living in a cabin beside a lake with someone, like Asuna and Kirito and Yui. And just for that moment that would be your world and reality.

Ah well.

How could I forgot to mention Worlds over the weekend. Been one of the most enjoyable events this year. Seeing the matches from home and live is a whole new experience. The players up on stage, the crowd cheers, and all the personalities in person. Really happy to have gone for it. Managed to catch: C9, Alliance, Travis (he's really chill), Sjokz and Susie Kim. Sjokz and Susie are so pretty in person haha. Managed to talk to Travis and Susie about esports media too, which kinda inspired me to do something about it as well. Always thought of going into media and communications, but doing esports would be my pinnacle of that. If the GPL grows and becomes better maybe I'd try to do some writing on it. But for now, focusing on A levels first. I really hope this dream comes true for me. I'd do so much for it :)

Good Night

It's tempting to close your eyes
And turn from the world