Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Well it seems like it since my last post. Meh, not much to update besides promos but updating isn't the only thing.

When it's not worth dying for

I beg to differ, whatever it is. ANYWAY. So promos was the burden of my life for like a week and a half. Glad that it's over now but I have Air Comp to organise and PW (especially OP and I&R now) oh man WHY SCHOOL WHY LIFE WHY. WELL... promo results so far has been pretty okay. Passed most my shit except Econs, but that was to be expected anyways. Lit, as usual, is taking a hella long time to come back. Not really sure what to expect, but I hope I pass well enough, or at least maintain the D I got from mid years. Only disappointment came from GP. Screwed up my compre pretty badly (think cos I was a a bit tired couldn't really sleep the night before, but that's no excuse). Compo did "better" but I think I could have done a lot better for that actually. So, nothing much from GP. Felt more relieved that I passed Math and Physics (More so Maths). Could have done better for Physics I think, but I got the mark I deserved. Just glad I don't think I need to retain. Re-paper for Econs sua.

Back to training for climbing now. Think I'm improving so kind of satisfied with that. Managed complete 2 and a half leads one training. Tried the super hard yellow route but couldn't even get past the 3rd clip LOL. Hope I can try again tomorrow and go to maybe the 6th clip. MUST CONQUER THAT SHIT. On a side note, David helped me buy SC2 hehe. I don't even have motivation to climb to Gold elo what is this. SC2 too distracting. Still love the RTS genre after all these years and I think SC2 sounds like a fun alternative to League now :) Though still hoping for that Elise skin hahaha. Looking forward to getting better. Think I play too conservatively. Jian Hui's learning pretty fast, and I got destroyed cos he actually built a barracks in my base and I didn't realise LOL.

After so long, it was nice I guess. To "catch up"(?). Idk, just felt like quite a while. I think I get it luh. I hope it's not really like the trusting, but that others can solve the problem better. Aha. Got it. Even so, it's pretty hard to just sit by. But as long as everything turns out okay... :)

Good Night

PS. (Your turn don't forget LOL)

Wanna mean it when I say it
Can you hear me at all?