Sunday, June 9, 2013


So I haven't been posting as often as I should/feel like. But I guess when it's the holidays you don't really bother much to get the stuff off your mind.

On Wednesday we were supposed to perform the night flight for the IACE peeps. There was Air Knights selection and shit so I came down in the morning with Delvin and the pair. Danial the douche was late as usual but that's besides the point. Apparently a few of the cadets had Gold Wing so they couldn't make it, but the majority applying were Part Bs so it wasn't that impactful. But a few of them were late *coughcough*. Totalled about 8 people who came in the morning, and we picked about 6. Felt kinda bad for Xavier and the other guy but oh well there comes a point where one learns to stop being such a bitch and say "No". Though the other was really damn keen and I felt really really bad for him cos I could see he wanted the spot a lot, but you gotta do what you gotta do :/ We only have so much time and resources... So yeap, after that we just derped around in the aerocentre a bit. It started raining so I just crashed out on the table, and some of the rest joined me for a bit lol. Danial was busy making his crazy shit again. Once the rain stopped we went to collect the new kites and holee sheet they are damn sex to fly. Me, Delvin and Danial set up the new kites and just basically enjoyed ourselves. The 2 RGS peeps came later and both of them got in so yay for them. "First time I see RGS can fly" - Danial 2013. Scumbaggery hahahahaha. Then the irritating thing happened. Like we were all damn hungry and there was no dinner in HQ so we tried ordering Macs. But it was like the whole fucking Singapore was thinking the same and we couldn't get a call through. So we tried KFC instead, which kinda worked out better, but we had to freaking wait like 75mins for the food. Meanwhile, we called to confirm our performance so we were just trying not to die of hunger after that. Food came and we faster om nom-ed before finding out that the IACE people were "too tired" so WHATEVER. Totally fine cos we stayed in HQ for fucking 12 hours? Nehhhhh. All good (Y) [Insert sarcasm tags because nobody gets sarcasm over the internet]

Yesterday was Pumpfest. I was ready to get my ass handed to me when I got there lol. The t shirts were cut/sized really weirdly though! Like, it's damn small, even for me. Even funnier when Mattias wore it and he looked like one of those douchebag ppl who always wear the shirt like freaking 10 sizes smaller to show off dem muscles. trolololol. Saw Emmanuel and he did really well. IIRC he got 9th which was like one spot off finals :P Grats to him. Came to our turn. Really disappointed in myself because I know I could have done better. Kept making the same stupid mistake at Wall 6 which was the easiest of the lot. Just about to get the foothold and my foot decides to give up on life and suicide to the floor. Sigh. Almost Bonus-ed Wall 1 too. Wall 4 did pretty okay but I knew I could've tried harder. Oh well, I guess time played a factor too. Only had 19 mins total which wasn't that much, but even then I knew I should have tried harder. Oh well, sort of looking forward to Boulderactive team competition now.

Went to HQ after that for the apparently postponed performance. We just ended up practising a lot. Even the supposed time we were supposed to "perform", none of the IACE people were giving a fuck so we just didn't too. Used the time for ourselves to practice and shit. Apparently the NCCDP committee wants a flypast sequence so we're working on that, prolly just me, Danial and Delvin. After that none of us really felt like going home so we went to the theaterette to join the IACE ppl who were watching this movie. Got pretty late so we just went home after that.

Cos it would drive me crazy

On the way out and I was just looking at the sky and seeing the stars. And even after that seeing the lightning storm from afar. Sometimes you never notice the beauty in life. And that night, all I had in my mind was. What if I was just there. And what if I could just get a chat. But at that time already, I might as well have been asleep and dreaming.

A thousand times I've tempted fate

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