Not really in the mood but I'll post anyways cos if not I'm just gonna procrastinate and never get this post done and everything'll pile up into one long ass post that no one would bother to read anyway *gasp for breath* See how long that sentence was.
Ok so not much happened since the last post. Well quite a few shits happened so okay, first. The stupid haze. Come to think of it now it actually DID bring some form of entertainment seeing all the haze-related shit online but the bad part was they freaking cancelled all the HQ activities in the last week. So we didn't get ANY Air Knights trainings, BAWC got postponed AGAIN, and Spec Course had to be cancelled and put into a modular format. Wtf was that I can't even. I think there's some curse on aeromod this year or something. Would rant more about it but I've said it so many time even I am getting sick of it. Sua lah sua lah. Tried to use that week to chiong for CTs but I think we all know how that was going to turn out. Still, I did manage to get SOME work done so it wasn't a complete waste. You could say it was ALMOST a complete waste of a whole week. Basically spent the whole week complaining about how dead I was without actually doing anything about it. I am like, procrastination embodied.
So yeah, CT roll around and here I am. I know that feeling. It is the feeling of impending failure. The feeling of wielding a branch against an army of tanks. The feeling of being covered in dynamite while waiting for the fuse to go. #Litdescriptions So yeah, first paper was physics. Love the subject, went in feeling pretty okay actually cos I thought I would manage to scrape out something. Paper starts, went pretty okay I guess. Managed to get slightly further than I expected actually, but still, wasn't the best I could do. Though you could say that would apply to everything else as well. Still, it's the only paper along with GP i think I can pass. Think. Next day is Econs and GP and Econs turns out to be pretty okay actually, except that I spend too much time on the first section. I was taking like 10 mins and writing like 6 lines for a 1 marks question LOL. In the end didn't really have much time to complete but I think there's still a chance I can pass. GP was the only one without any major hiccups. Managed to finish everything reasonably. I think the compre was actually really meaningful. It talked about how nowadays we're always not conversing but rather simply conversing. I admit of being guilty of it and it's really given some food for thought. And honestly I'd rather have a short, meaningful and heartfelt genuine conversation over a long "connection" that is just filled with abbreviated nothingness. Time to look up indeed. Wednesday was Maths. So laughably unprepared. The worst thing was that I didn't finish a lot of questions I knew how to do. Ah well, tryna forget about it. Lit was, so bipolar. PC was much easier than expected, but Waterland and Othello was just like, dafaq? Wanted to keep to the time so I left out the last point and conclusion for both PC and Waterland to move on to Othello. About halfway through I realise that I am not writing anything useful and decide to finish up my PC and Waterland. As I am halfway through that, I realise I know what to write for Othello. "Time's up". On the bright side, even Michelle couldn't finish much. Crystal was a fucking beast though. And Nigel was just, sad LOL.
Just found out that Toyz is retiring from E-sports and Stanley is leaving TPA. For some reason I'm really, really damn sad about this. I guess it's cos TPA were the ones that brought a lot recognition to the SEA region. Even supporting SGS when they were against TPA in the GPL. I don't know, but I was damn fucking proud of them when they won the S2 Championship. It's like, I'm supporting something I can identify with. They did not only Taiwan proud, but the whole of SEA. I still remember telling Jian Hui, in reference to the final, that TPA was gonna destroy Azubu Frost. And destroy them in the final they did. And the recounts of Stanley and Toyz on that moment, when Toyz almost cried. The feels now erghhhhhh. In any case, wishing Toyz and Stanley all the best. Thank you for doing so much for SEA E-sports, you will always be remembered Toyz :') GGWP
Good Night
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