Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well last Friday was awards night or something. Chionged back home to bathe first after training then went to school. There was supposed to be a rehearsal before the actual thing but I guess they just scrapped it :P Found SavingPrivateZhiMing and we were just more or less derping around and eating the food (we finished one basket of chips lol). Just talked and met up with other peeps like Daniel and Edwin. Saw Amanda Yap and wanted to go over to say hi but she left after I went around to find other people :( Oh well... So yeah, just talk cock for damn long before the actual thing started. The ceremony itself wasn't that interesting to be honest. Mr Lee was rambling on about Singapore's economy for like 15mins lol. Didn't get the relevance. Ze Bin was even sleeping LOL. Pretty uneventful overall. I think I prefer our service award though cos it was a plaque which was quite nice :D Felt a bit weird though. Receiving service award but everyone else in the hall were overachievers LOL. What top in English lah, 10A1s lah, English and HCL both A1 there... :P But, I'm still happy to be recognised, you don't get that everyday :) Collected photos plus went around taking a few before we left for home to get our stuff to book in. So yay, was a happy day in a sense, got to catch up (love it) with some bros and enjoy myself for a bit.

Booked in for modular Specs the next day. I was suddenly feeling extra nice for some reason (no idea why), felt kinda sorry for the NSFs doing weekend guard duty so I offered them my gobstoppers :D But they didn't want any :( They looked at me like I was a bit siao, so I turned to zebin and said "They think i siao one!" in front of them LOL. Which PROBABLY made them question my sanity even further. OH WELL. Zebin wanted to fly that night but we were all pretty tired so didn't in the end. Spent a bit stapling all the test papers together, and afterwards I folded a few paper origami owls before going to sleep :P Wanted to sleep in the admin room but the electricity kept going out so...

Mod Specs was quite hiong cos we were rushing to finish everything earlier and within the day too. Morning just normal in-processing and shit. Got told off for Iqbal for my hair. To be fair though, its not THAT long its just hella thick. Didn't really have the chance to go cut too since I was sick the previous 2/3 days. Nothing much for Specs since we were just running around so nothing that eventful happened. Nabil won the OIC election. To be honest I was supporting Zhan Jiang, but I guess in a lot of cases other factors come into play :( GGWP. Was freaking shagged after Specs. Went to Naked Fish with ZB, ZM and GAR WEI after that for dinner. After that had tauhuay out before going home:)

Felt kinda shitty the past few days. Really disappointed in a lot of people. Thought I was having some mental breakdown or shit. Definitely felt pretty weird at that point in time, but I've come to terms with it I guess. Everyone hides their own demons. But the thing I took away from all that, strangely, was to make me realise how I grateful and thankful I am to know those that actually matter to me :)

Good Night.

Maybe he won't find out but I will
You were the last good thing about this part of town

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